
Bare eyed cockatoo boomer
Bare eyed cockatoo boomer


But still, you’ll need to balance this diet with a regular addition of fresh fruits and vegetables. As a pet, they will love a seed based mixed designed for cockatoos. They also intrude on agricultural crops where they eat wheat, corn, and barley. They like seeds, insects, fruits, and nectar. In the wild, little corellas are mostly ground feeders but sometimes eat in the trees and shrubbery. The rest is shared with their close cousins.


The bare patch around the eyes is the defining detail of the Bare Eyed Cockatoo. Don’t confuse the simplicity of their appearance for plainness – these are graceful birds with a beautiful plumage. They also have their popular crest, which is used to signify their mood and alertness.


And that’s the trait that gives them their name – a patch of featherless light blue skin around the eyes and the upper cheek, with slight pink coloration close to the beak. While this goes for many common cockatoo breeds, a few details are certainly unique.

bare eyed cockatoo boomer

Bare Eyed Cockatoo might not be the best apartment bird.īare eyed cockatoos are entirely white. But still, there is the tendency to mimic human speech in their loud, slurred and incredibly silly manner, which can go on for a while and cause some tension. They have a good ability to memorize in repeat common words, and mostly in a clear, well-defined voice. While this is absolutely true for large cockatoos, the little corellas are slightly less talkative in comparison.

bare eyed cockatoo boomer

When it comes to sounds and noise level, there’s one thing you need to remember about all cockatoos – they can be very loud. These cockatoos are zygodactyls – they have a distinct ability to use their feet as a helping tool when climbing, eating and hanging upside down. They also have an impressive wingspan, too, so ensure a roomy cage and plenty of free space. The adults reach an average length of 14 to 16 inches (35 to 40 centimeters) and can weigh up to 1 pound (500 grams). These tribes would keep them as pets, as well as hunt them for food and headgear decoration.Īlthough considered one of the smaller cockatoo breeds, the Bare Eyed Cockatoo is medium to large-sized when compared to other parrots. Throughout the history, these cockatoos have been a part of the Aboriginal culture. Little corellas adapted to live in urban areas and are now a common sight in Sydney, Brisbane, and Canberra. These birds prefer to live in the coastal plains, the arid and dry central Australian deserts, and urban areas as well.

bare eyed cockatoo boomer

Little corellas are some of the most common and widespread parrots in Australia as their native habitat stretches over most of the continent.

Bare eyed cockatoo boomer